Feel vibrant and alive in your body.

In your whole self.

Hellerwork helps you improve your posture and feel better inside yourself.

To get free of restrictions, aches, pains and discomfort.

Hellerwork Structural Integration is a powerful system of realignment using deep-tissue massage (myofascial release) and movement lessons (so you can make those postural changes last).

After Hellerwork, people often report:

  • freedom from chronic pain and injuries

  • enhanced flexibility in movement

  • reduced stress and tension

  • expanded energy, vitality & aliveness

  • fuller and easier breathing

  • improved postural alignment

  • increased length and ease in the body


Deep-tissue massage, movement education and dialogue

Deep tissue bodywork combined with movement education and in dialogue with the mind/body connection guides one to new physical and emotional options.

Hellerwork S.I. encourages us to make the connection between movement and body alignment.

Hellerwork restores the body's natural balance from the inside out.

As your body releases patterns of tension and stress, new options of support and fluidity become available.

New emotional options also become available.

Guided dialogue enhances a deeper awareness of your emotional and cultural patterns.

Structural Integration is based on the belief that every person is innately healthy.

Your results are maximized by creating a deeper experience of the integrity in your body, your movement and in your relationship with yourself and the world around you.


Body, mind and spirit are inseparable

Hellerwork Structural Integration is based on the inseparability of body, mind, and spirit.

Following Ida Rolf's lineage of Structural Integration bodywork, Joseph Heller incorporated movement education/awareness and body-centered human development processes creating Hellerwork.

The Hellerwork Structural Integration Series

During the 11 session series, the structural balance of your body is realized through the systematic release and reorganization of muscle and connective tissue using a variety of deep-tissue bodywork techniques.

When your body comes into alignment within the field of gravity, chronic pain and tension dissipate. Gaining the support of your body replaces the stress and strain of moving through life.

Movement education enhances fluidity and ease of motion - helping you to develop a deeper awareness of your body and it's expression in the world.

Dialogue with your practitioner helps develop self-awareness and is an important component of the Hellerwork S.I. series.


What to expect in a session

We begin by connecting. I want to know what you've noticed, how you've been integration the work, what's getting your attention in the moment.

This verbal check-in is followed by structural and movement pattern assessments which I use to individualize the session to address your particular needs.

You will receive the bodywork primarily while lying on a massage table, although seated and standing work may be included.

Generally, Hellerwork feels like slow deep pressure followed by a pleasant sense of ease and release.

You may be asked to make slow movements while I guide the tissue, releasing patterns of strain and tension.

Sensations may range from pleasure to temporary discomfort depending on the condition of your body's tissue.

Hellerwork practitioners are skilled in working sensitively with you to determine an appropriate level of pressure, depth, and speed.

I teach you movement education and body/mind awareness so you can continue to make change on your own.

The Dialogue component of a Hellerwork session helps to enhance your awareness of the inseparable connection of mind, body, emotion and spirit.

Movement exercises are designed and taught to meet your individual needs. Mechanics involved in walking, sitting and standing are emphasized.

In general, clients report feeling a sense of lightness, length and well being upon completion of a session.

The release and rebalancing of your structure continues between sessions. Your body will integrate your awareness and build new relationships with gravity, ways of being and a sense of "excellence with ease".


To sign up for the Hellerwork Series, book a session or take advantage of the complimentary 30 minute consultation and neck and shoulder release, click here.

“Generally, a thing cannot freeze if it is moving. So move. Keep moving.”

— Clarissa Pinkola Estes